Whether you’re looking for Traditional Victorian, Federation, Colonial, Art Deco or Ashgrovian style patterned Tiling, we can bring your dreams to fruition!

These speciality tile patterns are classic and can be beautifully coloured in a wide variety of shapes and size combinations. The terms Victorian and Federation tiles refer to a specific type of tiles called Tessellated Tiles. The Victorian Era includes the years from c. 1840 – c. 1890 and then following that is the Federation Style of Architecture from c. 1890 – c. 1915. The styles of architecture show more obvious differentiation than the transformation of patterns and colours of Tessellated tiles between the two periods.

If you’re looking for varieties of Pattern Tile Layouts or Fun and Colourful tiles, there’s plenty to read about on the following pages.
One company that is very well known worldwide as a supplier of the finest porcelain tessellated tiles is Winckelmans. For over 120 years Winckelmans has been producing these unglazed fully vitrified porcelain tiles in the north of France. The tiles are formed by a mixture of clay, quartz and other materials being tightly compacted through a hydraulic press. Tiles are then fired at extremely high temperatures (far higher than most other tiles). The unglazed, matt finish offers strong permanent colours with a porosity level close to zero which means they don’t need to be sealed.

Winckelmans tiles are available in many desirable hues, including heritage colours to ensure that you can recreate any period style you wish, from Colonial and Old Australian, through to early and late Victorian & Federation, Art Deco and beyond.

winckelmans tessellated tile colours orig
Great quality workmanship, professional service and competitive quotes

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